I would like to thank my friend, Lynn, at Rocky Creek Scotties for passing The Superior Scribbler Award to me. Thanks for the honor Lynn. I haven't gotten an award in ages!
She gave me this award and well, now that I'm posting it, I want to also ask anyone who reads my blog to go over to visit Lynn and read her post of January 13th about the earthquake in Haiti. She says everything I would like to say, only better.
Now, here are the rules for the award: Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most deserving Bloggy Friends. (There are so many blogs I love to follow that this is a difficult task.)
Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author and the name of the blog from whom she/he has received The Award. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on her/his blog, and link to This Post,which explains The Award. Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit This Postand add her/his name to the Mr Linky List. That way,we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor! Since there are in excess of 1300 winners,we expect most of you have already received it. If you have, please accept it again. Today I pass the award to (in alphabetical order):
Asta's World ~ This blog is written from a Wire Haired Fox Terrier's point of view. As she words it: "a life consulting company specializing in canine and human angst". Asta has a way with words and because her 'mommy' is an accomplished artist her blog is always filled with amazing visuals.
Beyond Grace ~ It's hard to say exactly what Dawn's blog is about, because she not only tells of everyday happenings, but of deep feelings that tear at my heart. I'm waayyyy older than she is, but we are sisters in Christ, so I can really relate to her. ANd, I (generally) love the music that accompanies her posts!
Building A Log Cabin ~ This was the very first blog I ever read and is chocked full of gorgeous photographs! Shelley and her husband built their own cabin and Shelley's blog was mentioned in Log Cabin Living Magazine a few years ago. LCL has been one of my favorite mags for years...way before we ever built our log cabin! Anyway, after becoming a fan of Shelley's blog I decided to stop 'blog stalking' and start a blog of my own & the rest, as they say, is history.
Day By Day With Suz ~ Suz has a sharp wit and passes on some of the funniest family stories I've ever heard. Her hubby, teenage girls and Boxers usually tie into her stories somewhere. Some day we plan on opening up a comedy club together!
Going Gently ~ I do not even know how I stumbled upon John's blog a year ago, but I quickly became addicted to this Welsh nurse/gentleman farmer's stories of chickens, ducks, pigs and Welsh Terriers. Seems that John always has his plate full and often I'm tired after just reading about his work day! So friends, those are my 5 choices for the Superior Scribbler Award. I hope you will check out each of these blogs and see why I enjoy them so much. They're all different, and all delightful!
Happy Thursday!
You are so sweet, cute and funny Cassie.
Thank you so much for this. I will display it on my mantle next to my emmy, my oscar and the ashes of my dead cat.
I am just kidding. I don't have any ashes in my house.
can't wait till we get our 'act' together!!!!
cassie... you make me smile :) thanks for this award, but more... your friendship!
and, ummm... i've been to suz' house and she does so have ashes! maybe not the cat though...
Nice choices, Cassie... I would have trouble ever picking just a few of my blog friends --since there are so many GREAT ones.
thank you from the "gentleman" farmer from Wales....
do I have to do anything ?
Excellent choices to award..
I love/visit each of their posts..
coming away with a bit more than before the visit..
and yes..A-Z as such fun..my Mondays are a bit mundane now..and Mosaics tend to be just that..
but A-Z was witty and fun..who knows..maybe another format..
like you I sorta came to know the participants a bit better by their choices for posts..
think on it ,,and whatever we come up with..count me in!!
warm hugs, laughing smiles..
You've been sent an e-mail. Read it. :)
Congratulations to you, Cassie! You are indeed a superior scribbler! :-)
Congratulations Cassie.
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