Canines & Bipeds That Follow My Blog:

Friday, May 27, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday #158 ~ Sunset Shadows From Our Deck

This is a view from our deck where the sunset was this purple-rose the one day this week that it didn't rain here.  I loved the way the shadows of the pine trees were layered on top of each other as the sunset peeked through.

For more Shadow Shots visit Hey Harriet our host blog from Australia.  Folks from around the world participate in this fun meme.  You might like to join us! Have a great weekend and blessings on all who pass this way.
love, Cassie

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Misc. Pics From This Weekend

Both of these were taken at the Amish school auction on Saturday.I spent most of my time either eating or snapping ShadowShots, so not really many "regular" photos. The homemade ice cream was delish!
 These fish on poles grace both Libby and Troy, Montana creeks.  Aren't they cool? There are also fabulous gigantic metal sculptures of eagles around Libby. I'll try to remember to get some pics of them next time. 
I was inspired to put a few different items on our mantelpiece this weekend.  The cannibal fisher-fish is a favorite of mine. It's his first time on the mantel, so I decided to give him the featured position. I really enjoy fly fishing.  Well, actually, any kind of fishing puts me in 7th heaven.  

I am having a heck of a time getting this post laid out properly, so please forgive me if it looks weird.  Blessings on the heads of all who pass this way.  Remember, Jesus loves you most of all!
love from farrr North Idaho,

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday #157 ~ Violas

This week I have been purchasing and planting lots of flowers and veggies in my many containers.  I love doing this, but the skin on my hands is a mess.  Oh, and I've also picked up a fungus, ringworm, from somewhere. Probably from the ground. Sheesh.  Well, at least my pooches haven't caught it.  OH, back to my Shadow Shots!  My only granddaughter's name is Viola, so I like to have some pretty little violas around every summer.  Whenever I look at them I am reminded of her. I like that.
 For more Shadow Shot Sunday photos, or to join in the shadowy fun, go visit our hostess, Tracy,  at HeyHarriet. You'll be glad you did. 

Blessings on the heads of all who pass this way. Have a great weekend.
love, Cassie

Friday, May 13, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday #156

Spring is in the air...At least in my kitchen window!!  I always enjoy the shadows that appear there.  See my new little pepper?!
To join in the fun or just to view more Shadow Shots run on over to our hostess Tracy's blog, .

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday #155 ~ Face in the Forest

This Forest Face has been in our driveway for about 7 years.  I believe he really looks like he belongs now.  The first 3 pics were taken in the sunny afternoon and the last 2 were taken in the dark of night on Friday. Every time I see Forest Face he brings this to mind:   

This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks,
Bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight,
Stand like Druids of eld...    

For more Shadow Shots, or to join in, please visit our hostess, Tracy, over at HeyHarriet. Talented folks from around the world have fun with this meme. Blessings to all who pass this way.  I hope you're having a good weekend.


ps-Good news: All I had to do to fix the problem I was having with blogger was to choose to update it!!  Duh.