Canines & Bipeds That Follow My Blog:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A - Z On Monday ~ The Letter B

B is for Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch, Abominable Snowman or Yeti) with Pat & me on Capital Hill in Seattle,WA. in Dec. 2007. In 1957 my Aunt Dot and Uncle Jim took me to the movie theatre to see a movie called The Abominable Snowman. They lived right across the street from us, so they came over to our apartment (we lived over our hardware store) to pick me up, and we walked the block and a half to the theatre. I remember it was winter and there was snow on the sidewalk and also I remember them swinging me between them by the arms. They always made me feel so special. Anyway, I was around 7 years old and going to see this movie was a great treat. As we left the theatre I remember stopping & staring at the movie poster behind the glass case on the outside of the building. Aunt Dot and Unc continued walking on as I stared at the poster. I then put my face really close to the glass to stare into the eyes of the Bigfoot and it scared the bejeepers out of me. They had turned the corner at the Ben Franklin store & were out of sight & I ran as fast as I could to catch up with them! It's weird how I can totally remember the experience and the how scared I was and how happy to be holding their hands once again. Here's a youtube preview of the movie I saw as a kid:

Pretty scary huh?? Gotta love the 50's!


Noah the Airedale said...

I used to be fascinated by all that kind of stuff as a kid. The movie is a bit sad though hehehe.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Jen said...

I remember the one from Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. They called him Bumble.

Cute story.

Ben said...

You might have come up with the weirdest, most unique "B" item! And I'm pretty sure he's still "out there", somewhere...

Dandy Duke said...

That big hairy abominable snowman would scare the fur off us if we ever met him in person! YIKES!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Shelley said...

I would've been scared too!! Love the photo of you and your hubby w/ your matching jean shirts - awwwww!!!

Dorothy said...

What a scary looking Big Foot!! I'd hate to see a real one!

reliv4life said...

LOVE IT!!!!!

Rosemarie said...

What a great story. It's amazing the things that stick with us over the years!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Great picture and what a fantastic memory from your childhood.
I saw a real big foot and he was a bit shorter though.....nice guy, but smelly. :)

Cassie said...

All ~ Yup, good memories.Shelley, you noticed our twinsy clothes! We are pretty corny. Now Suz,did you go on a blind date with Bigfoot? Ha ha.

Connie said...

HA HA HA! That movie clip made me laugh, Cassie! That is one scary beast you and Patrick are posing with there. Aren't you afraid he will turn around and see you holding up bunny ears behind his head?!! :D

Cassie said...

Daisy ~ That movie was so scary as a kid...I LOVED it. The Sasquatch is in front of some wacky little museum we went to. We always try to do some fun stuff when we visit our daughter & son-i-l.We saw the Dead Sea Scrolls on exhibit while there too.ALSO my daughter treated me to my first pedicure on a visit!